Tuesday, June 21, 2011

lelaki xpernah appreciate apa yg perempuan buat!

Its over dude! thanks for everything. really appreciate it! thanks for lie to me. thanks make me hurts more n more! thank cos leave me a big SCARS again dude! where your promise? where the happiness you promise me dude! nothing at all. all that craps! you lie and lie again! what am i dude! your toys? stone? never appreciate what i've done for you! i'm regret letting you come again in my life! i'm the stupid person who allow you to enter my heart! really stupid person am i! menyesal aku xdengar ckp kawan2 aku! yes mmg aku bodoh pecaya kau lagi. but not after this! i will close my heart for the person that never appreciate what i'v done to him! MENYESAL tau dak! lantak la kau nak ckp apa lepas nie. aku terima je! n tadi last text aku dgn kau! aku pown dah delete kau dari friendlist fb lagi satu. fb yg aku buat untuk kau 2 aku bia kan. kau xpayah nak tnye apa lagi. dan xpayah nak sibuk pasal aku lagi dah. again im REGRET what i give to you! kata kata kau manis je bile xdapat aku. tapi bila dapat? apa kau buat? 2 hari aku diam aku pujuk hati aku. aku xnak gaduh dgn kau! tapi taik kau bagi aku kan?

tadi kau online pown aku tau sebab apa kau xchat aku langsung. sebab kau chat dgn perempuan lain. aku tau semua. terima kasih la. kau dah BODOH kan aku lagi sekali. lelaki bukan satu! and i hope i can forget bout you! go and find others okay! i know every woman at your fb, you will ask them bout couple kan? semua dah baca lah. thanks again! u make me like a stupid person! aku tau kau ada delete inbox 2. tapi aku xkesah dah. sebab im not yours anymore n you're not mine anymore. chill lahh babe! im strong enough to face all this! like i said at the past entry. aku xlayak dgn kau sebab kau BAIK sngt! and i know you can life without me kan? so do i. aku kena KUAT untuk lelaki mcm kau! dah serik wehh! serik sesangat2.

sangat2 terima kasih atas segalanya. awak bkn hak saya. 
saya bukan hak awak lagi. plz go away. ignore me! 
delete me! This is the last! No more RIFQIE. bye :'(

that's the last from me. no more your number in my phone. no more your picture. i've been delete it! thanks for the memories! thanks for the 3 years i've been loyal to you. thanks you make my life miserable for 2 years! thanks a lot dude! I'm sorry i can't be perfect. good bye :'(



#1 - the last smile i could give you
#2 - the last sad face for you

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